During Slush, at Entreprenerd spoke with Hannu Kauppinen, who shared his experience of over 26 years working at Nokia and how, with all that background, he co-founded QMill alongside other partners.
Their first development has been used to train thousands of commercial pilots globally. Today, they come together for their most ambitious project: improving the lives of millions of people at a low cost, starting by addressing the need for security.
Through his small business and with the support of Corfo, he conducted research and development, which allowed him to innovate with a product that complies with the regulations to be used in construction.
In December 2022, three partners - Felipe Pinto, Javier Acosta, and Patricio Manque - brought this project to life with a sustainable approach. What seemed like a distant dream, turned into an impactful business in the Coquimbo Region.
The Chilean scaleup accelerates its expansion in Latin America with the opening of new offices in Sao Paulo. The goal is to reach twenty corporate partners and establish itself in all regions of the South American giant within a year.
Here we present you a summary of the most relevant fundraising and acceleration opportunities for you to seize and take your project to the next level!
At EntrepreNerd, we have selected 20 terms to explain in simple terms what each of these new industries consists of, as a way of immersing ourselves in the ecosystem of new businesses globally.
Although passwords are not the only method of protection, they are the basic level in the process of validating access to systems and information, which every person and company must consider.
We present the most important online marketing tools and strategies that will help you position yourself and also boost sales in your own business.
In the complicated landscape of personal finance, planning and organization are essential to stay in control and avoid unpleasant surprises.
The project is designed to strengthen female leadership, empower talented womens businesses and build networks, offering face-to-face workshops, online courses and the possibility of collaborating and interacting with other entrepreneurs.