Strong by Form launches first Digital Wood cabin in Berlin with Deutsche Bahn and DB Mindbox.
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Chilean Strong by Form Opens First "Digital Wood" Booth in Berlin with Deutsche Bahn and DB Mindbox

This refers to the first Woodflow Weather Cabin, a pioneering project in the German capital that contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, which is carried out in collaboration with Deutsche Bahn and DB mindbox.

Strong by Form inaugura en Berlín la primera Woodflow Weather Cabin., ProChile Deutschland

"We are proud to witness the accomplishments of the Chilean company (among others!) Strong by Form and we are excited about their future plans to contribute to a sustainable future," with these words the office of ProChile in Germany celebrated the inauguration of the first Woodflow Weather Cabin, made with Woodflow technology from the Chilean startup in collaboration with Deutsche Bahn and DB mindbox.

Strong by Form opens its first cabin in Berlin. ProChile Deutschland

It was on the past 24th of September when the inauguration took place in Berlin, specifically in Südkreuz, where passersby could learn more about this pioneering project in the German capital that contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

"This innovative structure represents the future of infrastructure, showing how our Woodflow technology can reduce up to 70% of CO2 emissions compared to traditional steel and glass cabins," wrote Andrés Mitnik, CEO and co-founder of Strong By Form on his LinkedIn account.

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At the event were present Rolf Härdi - Deutsche Bahn AG, Director of Technological Innovation; Dr. Thomas Rühl - DB InfraGo AG, Director of Construction Management Technology, along with representatives from ProChile.


Strong by Form, has transformed into a pioneering company in the creation of structural elements based on wood, capable of replacing highly polluting ones such as steel or concrete, through the combination of material science with the latest optimization and digital manufacturing technologies. They are able to restore the intelligence of the natural origin wood chips, generated by millions of years of evolution. Something like a digital wood.

Their technology "Woodflow" not only generates high strength by using a material that captures carbon in its growth process but also allows for better use of raw materials by using up to 90% of the tree as a structural element, in contrast to the 60% currently achieved.

Likewise, by making them ultra-lightweight, the overall structure becomes lighter, implying less material in walls and foundations, which helps optimize the complete consumption of materials in a construction.

Another advantage is that, by allowing prefabrication and using additive manufacturing, less waste is generated. In this way, polluting materials are replaced with a sustainable one, while very few trees are used to make an extremely efficient use of the forest resource. This becomes even clearer when compared with current wood construction technologies, Woodlfow consumes 50% of the wood required to support the same load.


These characteristics led them to be one of the 10 startups selected to participate in the RESPOND acceleration program by the BMW Foundation, the world's first acceleration program 100% aligned with the United Nations' 2030 sustainability goals.

And it is in this sense that in the coming months, the vehicle company BMW will internally present the first car that will incorporate in its bodywork "Woodflow Skin", the digital wood created by the Chilean scale up.

In the interview given to Diario Financiero by Mitnik last June, he explained that they were conducting a pilot with BMW with their Woodflow Skin coating, 'to make an interior and exterior component' of a 2024 model body.

It was in that very month of June that the scale-up was part of the Chilean delegation that was present at the tour of President Gabriel Boric in Germany.