Was your return withheld? The reasons and what you can do

Outstanding tax debts or non-payment of alimony are some of the reasons. In case of any error, you can go to the Taxpayer Ombudsman’s Office.

This Friday the 26th was not just any day. Many were waiting for this day because they would receive their long-awaited tax refund, a kind of bonus that always arrives at this time of year, for those who filed the tax return in the first days of April and opted for the electronic transfer.

There are 1,247,257 individuals and legal entities who, according to the Internal Revenue Service (SII), see the respective deposits in their bank accounts. However, there are those who could have gone through the process and who were unpleasantly surprised that, due to various factors, they might not receive the money within the respective deadline.

What could have happened? According to the Taxpayer Ombudsman’s Office (Dedecon), if the tax refund was not paid within the established dates, the first thing a taxpayer should do is check that Your return does not record observations for errors and/or inconsistencies, either due to incomplete or misleading information requested, or data provided by withholding agents (banks, commercial institutions, employers, among others) after the deadline, which must be corrected in www.sii.cl or at offices of this agency, as appropriate.

The above can be consulted on the Service’s website, by entering with the RUT and the Unique Code or Tax Code. There, you must select the “Online services” menu, the “Income tax return” option, “Consultation and follow-up” and “Check the status of the tax return”. Then, enter the tax year, where you will be able to see the status of the return, history, observations and how to fix them (“Help to correct observations”).

What if the refund was still not paid?

In this case, Dedecon adds, it is likely that the General Treasury of the Republic (TGR) has made a withholding or compensation against the requested refund, whether for tax debts, alimony or others.

This can be consulted in www.tgr.cl, by entering with the RUT and Unique Code or Tax Code, selecting the menu “Benefits and refunds“, submenu “Consultations”, “Income consultation” and “Consult Income Refund” to see the status of the application. And for the withholdings made by the Treasury: “Benefits and refunds“, “Consultations” and “Offset debts”.

What if there is an error in the IBS?

In the event that the SII notifies of the rejection of the requested refund or makes a tax settlement (collection for a different amount), the Taxpayer Ombudsman’s Office recommends entering a request for “Administrative Representation” in www.dedecon.cl, where individuals and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) will receive free guidance, accompaniment and specialized support.

On the other hand, if a taxpayer feels that their rights have been violated during the Operation Income process, they can make a claim on the Dedecon website, which will intercede in this situation with the corresponding institutions.

To request this service, go to the “Our Services”, select the form “Reception and management of complaints”, identify yourself with your Unique Key or Tax Code, and complete the document online. Once these steps have been completed, the specialized team of the Ombudsman’s Office will contact the applicant. completely free of charge, either through the same medium, phone call or video call.

Upcoming Return Dates

It should be noted that, according to the calendar of Operation Income 2024, the next refund process will be carried out on May 14, for those who completed the process during the second period (between April 9 and 19) and who opt for electronic transfer.

On the other hand, payments in bank documents (cheque) will be made on 30 May, regardless of the date of submission of the tax return.

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