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The clever phrase “We are few, but crazy” defines us on a daily basis. That is why if you like what we are writing, telling, relating, showing and wanting to communicate, you are probably material for EntrepreNerd.

As Rodrigo Quevedo, from the Applied Robotics Laboratory, Robotics Lab SCL, says, “everyone adds up, no one is left over.” Therefore, if you want to be part of this entrepreneurship information family, enter our contact area, send us an email telling us why you think you can contribute and surely together we will make this site the best means of communication – with a focus on entrepreneurship – from Chile and, why not, Latin America.

Be careful! As the “slogan” of the Hocicón (Diario de Pelotillehue, where Condorito lives) says, “We are a poor, but honest newspaper.” For now we don’t have money to hire anyone, but if you still want to try, we’ll be waiting for your bat signal 😉

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